Pre-announcement of the OpenMed course modules

For the past weeks, partners on the OpenMed project have been working on the design of the structure of the OpenMed training of trainers course, a blended training course aimed at building capacity among universities in the South Mediterranean region on Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Education approaches and practices. The design of the training is lead by Daniel Burgos and Fabio Nascimbeni from the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), with significant contributions of all partners.
The training course targets primarily university teachers and secondarily university managers and ICT support staff, offering training opportunities to Higher Education staff with a focus on know-how and skills to use, reuse and remix OER and assist them with the start-up of open educational practices.
The training course consist of:
- one week of intensive face-to-face training at Politecnico di Torino on September 25-30, 2017
- an online training phase from October 2017 to March 2018
Requirements for learners
The requirements for the learners in order to participate in the training course are:
- Interest in learning more about Open Education
- Willingness to adopt Open Education approaches into their teaching
- Motivation to finish the course after the Torino week
- Readiness to be part of the network and to multiply the course in their local settings
- Fluency in English (for feedback and course evaluation). However, the training course languages will be English and Arabic.
We will soon publish information on how to join the training course.
Course Title
Open Education: fundamentals and approaches. A learning journey opening up teaching in higher education
Learning outcomes
In terms of learning outcomes, after studying this course, learners should be able to:
- Understand the potential advantages of adopting OER and open education approaches in different contexts
- Recognise relevant concepts such as OER, Open Educational Practices, open content, open pedagogy, open assessment
- Understand how content released under different kinds of open licences can be reused
- Distinguish different types of Open Licences and understand limitations in the reuse of Open Content
- Apply Open Licences to their own content
- Search for high quality OER
- Reuse and remix OER
- Recognise different types of open educational practices and initiatives.
- Understand what MOOCs are and how to produce MOOCs
- Incorporate open educational practices into their teaching and learning
- Adapt OER and MOOCs to their specific context.
Course Modules
1. Introducing Openness in Education
Why Openness in Education? The OER movement and its history. Open Education concepts: OER, open content, open pedagogy, open assessment
2. Open Licensing and Copyright
Intro to Copyright and Open Licensing. Creative Commons Licenses. Intro on Open Access, Open Data, and Open Science. How to openly license your work.
3. Creating and reusing OER
Intro to Open Educational Resources: what is an OER? link Examples of OER. MOOCs: history, typologies and debate. How to create & share your OERs. How to search for OER: repositories. How to evaluate OER: the issue of quality. How to repurpose and remix OER. How to use existing MOOCs in your daily teaching: ideas and examples. How to start a MOOC from scratch: ideas and examples
4. Localising OER and MOOCs
The importance of intercultural communication in Open Education. Personal learning environments and diversity in networks. How to manage extreme diversity in groups of learners. How to adapt OER to local contexts: cases of diversity in rework, reuse and remix. How to define a culturally meaningful community of practice.
5. Open Educational Practices
Opening Courses, Little by Little. How to experiment Open and Networked teaching. Intro to Open Assessment and Open Badges How to use open assessment in your daily work. OER as part of an institutional strategy. How to develop a OER strategy for your institution.
Local Facilitators
The online delivery of the training will start in October 2018, and it is based on the concept of Learning Groups. OpenMed partners will create 8 local Learning Groups in Egypt, Morocco, Jordan and Palestine coordinated by 8 Local Facilitators. Participants from other universities or countries might decide to take part in a Learning Group at one of the OpenMed universities, or to set-up their own Learning Group.
Each Local Facilitator is committed to make sure that the members of the Local Learning Group succeed the modules, and the corresponding activities, and work on their own project works.
Local Facilitators in Egypt
Ayman Mohamed Eldeib, Cairo University
Ahmed Abo Taleb, Cairo University
Seddik Tawfik, Alexandria University
Rasha Elshinety, Alexandria University
Local Facilitators in Morocco
Khalid Berrada, Cadi Ayyad University
Ahmed Almakari, Université Ibn Zohr
Local Facilitators in Palestine
Rania Qasim, Birzeit University
Osama Mimi, Birzeit University
Saida Affouneh, An-Najah National University
Ahmaed Noubani, An-Najah National University
Local Facilitators in Jordan
Adiy Tweissi,Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Mohammad Al Daoud, German Jordan University
General inquiries
The OpenMed team hopes that by making the initial design of the training course publicly available, we can embody the principles of openness and collaboration underpinning open education. We are eager to hear comments from others with insight and recommendations on our activities and on the initial design of the training course.
Pingback: Pre-Announcement of the OpenMed training course on Open Education in the Arab Mediterranean countries | UNIMED
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