Learners’ assessment

Learning assessment of the Course is both formative and summative:

  • Formative: facilitators assess the activities during the Modules and provide feedback to learners (note that some activities include automatic feedback – quizzes).
  • Summative: facilitators assess the final project work based on a common rubric and by means of a feedback form. In addition, the final assessment should be as much as possible peer-based.

Assessment Feedback Form

Based on the common rubric, facilitators assess the final project work by means of a feedback form. The Assessment feedback form can be downloaded here:


Common assessment rubric

A common assessment rubric has been developed to help provide clarity and guidance about the grading system, to both the facilitators and those completing the final project work of the Course.

The themes relating to the five modules of the Course are represented across the top of the rubric:

  • Understanding of Openness in Education and its application in HE teaching and learning;
  • Use of Open Licensing and Copyright;
  • Capacity to find and reuse OER;
  • Capacity to localise OER;
  • Capacity to design Open Education approaches.

The scoring criteria to the side, ranges from 4 – 1, providing a numerical value about of the quality of the learners work within each themed area.

It is possible to be awarded a non bonafide attempt (NBA) if there is no evidence of content related to a theme area.

Only where a learner states ONE particular theme is not relevant to their final project work, it is possible to allocate score of non-applicable (N/A).

Overall total score

To calculate the overall total score, add up the numbers awarded from each of the five sections. A ‘Pass’ is any score between 12-20 and ‘Fail’ any score between 0-11.

The rubric includes grades which may be of value for facilitators and course participants who would like to receive a more comprehensive review of the Final Project Work:

  • Excellent = marks 19-20
  • Good = marks 16-18
  • Satisfactory = marks 12-15
  • Limited = marks 1-11
  • Non bonafide attempt (NBA) = marks 0

On occasion, and only where there is no related content linked to ONE of the five themes it is possible to allocate non-applicable (N/A) in which case add the scores from the 4 sections and the total score will be adjusted out of 16, as follows Excellent = marks 15-16 | Good = marks 13-14 | Satisfactory = marks 10-12 | Limited = marks 1-9 | Non bonafide attempt (NBA) = marks 0

The final result of the Course will be either Pass or Fail. Further, learners achieving assessment outcomes of Excellent / Good /Satisfactory (i.e. an assessment outcome of a Pass) will receive the OpenMed Declaration of Competence.

Course certifications

Upon completion of the course based on assessment strategy described above, learners will receive a Declaration of Competences by the project. The declaration is issued by UNIMED, Mediterranean Universities Union, Rome (Italy) on behalf of the OpenMed consortium.

The Declaration of Competences can be consulted here:


Upon completion of the course facilitation, facilitators will receive a Certificate in Facilitation by the project issued by UNIMED on behalf of the OpenMed consortium.

The Certificate in Facilitation can be consulted here: