Our Roadmap

OpenMed is structured in three main phases: review of good practices in Open Education, widening participation in OER, and Training of Trainers.

The review of good practices focuses on a case analysis of current practices in open education globally and in particular the South-Mediterranean region. It generates a reliable and evidence-based body of knowledge on OER in the region.

Widening participation to Higher Education (HE) by means of OER adoption is a strategic priority for the HE sector in general and for the OER movement. Widening participation will be achieved by increasing HE engagement with OEP and involving key stakeholders from HEIs in the definition of the Regional Agenda of Open Education, i.e. a long–term common strategy for opening up education in South-Mediterranean countries. The Regional Agenda will serve as a guideline for the definition of institutional roadmaps, i.e. short–term action plans for the implementation of OEP at the local/institutional level.

The initiative also includes a training of trainers component. An OER blended training course will be designed and delivered to university educators to build capacity to make use of OER and to start up OEPs relevant to the educational ecosystem.

As a long term impact, OpenMed will increase OER adoption in the South-Mediterranean countries, fostering the role of universities as knowledge providers.

Opening up education can truly change Higher Education and make it better, accessible, and more relevant. Sharing information about OER initiatives can inspire others to reflect, develop their own initiatives, make connections, celebrate diversity, and work together to defend education as a public good and a basic human right.

The OpenMed road metaphor…

The road and the signs are common…

(OER Regional Agenda)

… each traveller can select its own path and speed…

(OER Institutional Strategies)

…the important thing is that we all walk in the same direction…

(overall improvement at institutional and system level)

…and all in all, it’s a learning journey!