
As part of the project we have produced a series of Open Access Publications, and we aim at providing to the public and fellow researchers notes about our work. Also, we are sharing our data as Open Data to foster further research in Open Education.

Monographs and chapters

Wimpenny, K., Merry, S.K., Tombs, G. & Villar-Onrubia, D. (eds) (2016). Opening Up Education in South Mediterranean Countries: A Compendium of Case Studies and Interviews with Experts about Open Educational Practices and Resources. Roma: UNIMED. ISBN 978-1-84600-0.

Wimpenny, K., Stefanelli, C., Affouneh, S., Almakari, A., Tweissi, A., Abdel Naby, H., & Seddik, T. (2020). Breaking boundaries and building bridges across knowledge-sharing communities: OpenMed. In D. Conrad, & P. Prinsloo (Eds.), Open(ing) Education: Theory and Practice (pp. 253 – 276). BRILL: SENSE, Leiden: Boston

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Cachia, R., Aldaoud, M., Eldeib, A., Hiari, O., Tweissi, A., Villar-Onrubia, D., Wimpenny, K. & Maya-Jariego, I. (2020). Cultural diversity in the adoption of open education in the Mediterranean basin: collectivist values and power distance in the universities of the Middle EastAraucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política, Humanidades y Relaciones Internacionales, 22(44).

Affouneh, S., Wimpenny, K., Ghodieh. A.R., Abu Alsaud, L., Abu Obaid, A. (2018), Reflection on MOOC Design in Palestine. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning Vol 19, No 2, 22-36. DOI:

Nascimbeni, F., & Stefanelli, C. (2017). OpenMed: opening up Higher Education through Europe-Mediterranean cooperation. Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(1), 101-105. DOI:

Conference papers

Stefanelli C., Wimpenny K., Nascimbeni F. (2018). Opening-up Education in South-Mediterranean Countries at the Macro, Meso and Micro Level. In Exploring the Micro, Meso and Macro, pp. 284-290. Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2018 Annual Conference Genova. ISBN 978-615-5511-23-3

Maya Jariego, I., Almakari, A., Berrada, K., Burgos, D., Cachia, R., Nascimbeni, F., Stefanelli, C., Tabacco, A., Villar-Onrubia, D., Wimpenny, K. (2018) Readiness to adopt Open Educational Resources in the MENA region: the OpenMed case. World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES). Fundación Tres Culturas. Sevilla (Spain), 16-22 July 2018.

Wimpenny, K., Villar-Onrubia, D., Tweissi, A., Nascimbeni, F., Maya Jariego, I., Almakari, A., Berrada, K. (2018) Facilitators’ Perspectives as Mediators of the Local Learning Circles of the OpenMed Open Course. OER 18, Bristol UK.

Nascimbeni F., Burgos D., Aceto S., Wimpenny K., Maya I., Stefanelli C., Aldeib A. (2018). Exploring intercultural learning through a blended course about open education practices across the Mediterranean. In IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), pp. 291-294. Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 978-1-5386-2957-4.

Nascimbeni F., Burgos D., Berrada K., Al Makari A., Stefanelli C. (2018). Open Education across the Mediterranean: an Open Educational Resource in practice. TICEMED11 Colloque international Proceedings.

Villar-Onrubia D., Wimpenny K., Merry S., Stefanelli C. (2018). OpenMed – Educación abierta en el sur del Mediterráneo, pp. 66-67. In Bocanegra Barbecho, Lidia, & Romero Frías, Esteban. Territorios Digitales. Construyendo unas Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Digitales. Libro de resúmenes del I Congreso Internacional Territorios Digitales. Granada, New York: Universidad de Granada & Downhill Publishing (NY).

Berrada K., Stefanelli C., Al Makari A. (2017). Les TICE un fort potentiel pour le développement des Ressources Educatives Libres : cas du projet OpenMed, CNED.

Wimpenny, K., Villar-Onrubia, D., Merry, S., Stefanelli, C., (2017) OpenMed: Opening up Education in South-Mediterranean countries. London, UK, OER17, April 2017.

Nascimbeni F., Stefanelli C., Wimpenny K., Merry S., Tombs G. (2016). OpenMed: Opening up Education in Arab-Mediterranean countries. In The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, pp. 893-906. EADTU Conference Proceedings. ISBN 978-90-79730-25-4.

Stefanelli C. (2016). OpenMed, Opening up Education in South-Mediterranean countries. In Re-Imagining Learning Environments. Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2016 Annual Conference Budapest. ISBN 978-615-5511-08-0

Data Sets

Cachia, Romina, & Maya-Jariego, Isidro. (2018). Opening education in the MENA region: In-depth interviews and Focus Group data with experts in open education in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine. [Data set]. Zenodo.

Atenas, Javiera. (2018). OpenMed Pilot Course Data (Version Final) [Data set]. Zenodo.


Atenas, Javiera. (2018). OpenMed External Evaluation Final Report. OpenMed Project. UNIMED, Rome.

Atenas, Javiera. (2018, June 6). OpenMed Pilot Course External Evaluation Report (Version Final). Zenodo.

Atenas, Javiera. (2017, May 25). OpenMed project Mid-Term Evaluation Report. Zenodo.

Atenas, Javiera. (2017, May 17). Course Review Report. UNIMED, Rome.

Posts and articles

October 2018

June 2018

May 2018

April 2018

January 2018

December 2017

October 2017

September 2017

July 2017

May 2017

April 2017

February 2017

December 2016

July 2016

March 2016

January 2016