OER Workhsop during the UNIMED General Assembly 2016

On Friday 21st October 2016 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM, we will run an OE-related workshop within the UNIMED General Assembly 2016.
This 2-hours workshop, aims to:
- share and discuss strategies of OER adoption in higher education, drawing on examples from different institutional contexts;
- present and discuss the OpenMed OER Regional Agenda for the South-Mediterranean region.
The workshop is articulated around presentations of the latest development of the OpenMed project, and of other OE-related initiatives, such as the MOOQ and the MOOC-maker projects. It will also leave room for discussion and exchange of ideas among participants about Open Education strategies in higher education in Europe and South-Mediterranean countries.
The workshop constitutes an opportunity to support the development of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, while providing productive feedback in the expansion and consolidation of the Open Education movement.
The participation in the workshop can be particularly useful for those interested in:
- understanding the scope and impact of Open Education and OER in Higher Education
- learning about the current stage and achievements of the OpenMed international network
- engage in the forthcoming OpenMed activities, for the definition of a OER Regional Strategy for the South-Mediterranean and local/institutional action plans.
Title: Open Educational Resources in the Arab Mediterranean countries: towards a regional strategy
Chaired by Cristina Stefanelli, UNIMED
Faculty as game changers: How open education is enhancing learning experiences, António Teixeira, Professor and Head of the Department of Education and Distance Learning at Universidade Aberta, Portugal
Raising the efficiency of the open education system. Review of Open Education – Cairo University, Elsayed Tag Eldyn, Director of the Cairo University Open Education Center, Egypt
Examples of successful Open Education strategies in Higher Education, Fabio Nascimbeni, Assistant Professor of eLearning Innovation at UNIR, Spain & Director of the Telefónica-UNIR Chair in Digital Society and Education
Open discussion on Open Education strategies in Higher Education
Sapienza University of Rome
Rectorate, Aula Magna
Piazzale della Minerva, Rome, Italy