Webinar M1 “Introducing Openness in education”

Image attribution: CC BY, Chris Bull Photographer
Introducing Openness in education
10 October 2017 at h17.00 GMT
Recorded Webinar
Transcript of the webinar along with slides (thank you Lorna!)
Lorna M. Campbell
Education Design & Engagement
University of Edinburgh (UK)
Lorna has almost twenty years experience working in education technology and currently works within Information Services at the University of Edinburgh. Lorna has a longstanding personal commitment to supporting open education; she founded the Open Scotland initiative, was co-chair of the OER16 Open Culture Conference, is a Trustee of Wikimedia UK and the Association for Learning Technology, and a member of the Open Knowledge Open Education Working Group Advisory Board. Lorna is also the driving force behind the Scottish Open Education Declaration. Her blog, Open World http://lornamcampbell.org/, features personal reflections on all aspects of open education, and she regularly livetweets open education conferences and events at @lornamcampbell.
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I participated in the Webinar 2 by Dr. Cable Green on “Open licensing and Copyright in Education” today. I would like to learn from the Webinar 1 by Dr.Lorna Campbell on “Benefits of Open Education and OER”. Kindly do the needful by posting the webinar video of Dr. Lorna Campbell
The recording of Webinar 1 with Lorna Campbell is now available at http://openmedproject.eu/webinar-m1/
Hope you will enjoy it!
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