Webinar M3 “Opening up education through OER and MOOC”

One Thousand and One Tales of Open
7 November 2017 at h18.00 CET (CET Converter)
Recorded Webinar
From 2013 to 2016 I worked under the auspices of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation on the Open Educational Resources Research Hub (OERRH) project to investigate the impact of OER use on teaching and learning. We set out to prove (or disprove) eleven hypotheses that summarised established beliefs of the benefits of using OER. In this presentation I will revisit some of this research told in (almost) 1001 stories of sharing, reuse and adaptation.
Beatriz de los Arcos is a researcher in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, UK and Academic Lead for the Global OER Graduate Network. She has worked on a vast range of open education research projects, including OER Research Hub where she led the project’s work on the impact of OER use on teaching and learning in K-12. Her work has been recognized with an Open Courseware Consortium ACE Award for Research Excellence (2014) and The Open University Engaging Research Award (2015). She can be followed as @celTatis on Twitter.
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