Open Revision of the capacity building course on Open Education
We are pleased to announce the release of the training materials that will be used as part of our capacity building course “Open Education: fundamentals and approaches. A learning journey to open up Teaching in Higher Education“.
The five modules have been created by the OpenMed partner institutions, and we would be very grateful for any comments and suggestions you might want to submit through this platform we have launched to gather feedback:
We hope that by making the pre-production of the materials publicly available and open for revision, we can embody the principles of openness and collaboration underpinning open education. We are eager to receive feedback on what we are doing.
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to Fabio Nascimbeni and the team at UNIR for the fab-ulous coordination of the content production, and to Daniel Villar-Onrubia and the team at Coventry University for the idea of opening-up the process and the support in setting up the commentable platform.