Policy Approaches to Open Education – Case Studies from 28 EU Member States (OpenEdu Policies)
The Report “Policy Approaches to Open Education – Case Studies from 28 EU Member States (OpenEdu Policies)”, by the European Commission’s Joint Research Center and the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, was recently published: https://ec.europa. eu/jrc/en/publication/policy- approaches-open-education- case-studies-28-eu-member- states-openedu-policies.
This study provides the first-ever EU-wide overview of the state of play with policies on open education involving all the 28 Member States. The diversity of polices and approaches presented herein reflect the diversity that is intrinsic to the European Union. Each Member State has specific goals for education and priority areas to address when formulating its policies. However, this research shows that Member States are aware of open education issues and that in one way or another nearly all of them have implemented some sort of initiative or action plan in relation to open education. For each Member State, a full account of their understanding of open education and strategic policy approach is given. This piece of research could serve as inspiration for policy designers in Europe and beyond!
Authors of the publication are, among others, our collegues Fabio Nascimbeni, Stefania Aceto e Daniel Burgos from UNIR, and Javiera Athenas the OpenMed external evaluator.
To download the pdf file, please click here.