ICOE at German Jordanian University, Jordan

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By Mohammad Daoud, German Jordanian University, Jordan

The ICOE at GJU is the seed component that has led to the establishment of a new Open Education Centre at GJU, which will open in October 2018.

The ICOE at GJU aims to:

  • provide the instructors and students with a leading platform to develop open education materials free of charge.
  • provide the instructors and students with free resources to expand their knowledge and understanding in open education philosophy concepts
  • provide the instructors and students with open education resources development tools.

The OpenMed project has played a crucial rule in initiating and supporting the idea of establishing a new Open Education Centre at GJU. Currently, GJU has allocated budget and space to support the establishment of the Open Education Centre. Through OpenMed, we currently have a team of instructors who are trained and educated to deliver open education martials and courses. We also have built an excellent network of partner institutes, with whom we can collaborate to develop open educational resources.



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Mohammad Daoud, Associate Professor of Computer Engineering, German Jordanian University, Jordan – mohammad.aldaoud[AT]gju.edu.jo